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P in Lockdown: getting in to P and getting P out – webinar recording and slides

28th May 2020

On Wednesday 20th May we were delighted to host a webinar with Clarke Willmott.

The session, chaired by Jess Flanagan and Sophia Roper, drew on the panel’s experience of difficult issues arising from lockdown, including gaining access to P by professionals (including advocates, representatives, and assessors) and families, and where it is argued that P should move from their usual residence to live with family or friends during the pandemic, and offered practical guidance across the following topics:

Remote assessments – Elizabeth Fox

a.  Advocacy & RPR visits

b.  Care Act & Social Services and Well-being Act (Wales) assessments

c.  Capacity assessments

P in the community – Rhys Hadden and Molly Fensome-Lush

a.  Legal considerations – the Coronavirus Regulations and social distancing

b.  Case studies – looking at issues and examples in England and Wales

Contact – Camille Ivinson

a. Family access and contact – practical suggestions, what do the regulations in England & Wales say and recent case law

b. Social media – time to relax restrictions on social media use and access to phones for some young people?

Getting P home – Emma Sutton

a.  What the Court of Protection (COP) can and cannot do

b.  Case law

c.  What evidence will the COP need for pushing trials at home / return home

d.  Discussion on what types of cases should go to the COP and what can be done pre-issue to avoid applications to the COP

Watch the recording of the webinar here

A copy of the slides is available here

To sign up for future events please see our seminar page here

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