Court of Protection

“Richard Partridge is a bigger picture person and someone who always pursues what is right for the client. His background in medicine gives him an edge on medical issues and has allowed him to achieve some surprisingly favourable settlements in complicated cases”.
Chambers & Partners

Richard regularly acts for MIND in proceedings involving individuals with mental health issues.
experience & expertise
Prior to coming to the Bar, Richard practiced as a doctor, and worked in a number of NHS and private psychiatric hospitals. He has therefore had first hand experience of working with people struggling with suicidal thoughts, with dementia and other conditions limiting thought processes. He has also worked with people with eating disorders and a range of addiction issues.
He is therefore uniquely placed in his understanding of the practical and the legal implications of most issues coming to the Court of Protection for decisions. This background is especially useful in emergency situations where he uses his experience to assimilate the situation, identify the issues and knows what evidence is required.
He is exceptionally skilled at dealing with clinicians and administrative staff, and is calm and empathetic with patients. Richard can therefore respond to instructions comprehensively and at speed. Given his background, this is an area of practice that Richard particularly enjoys and he is always very happy to chat through a case informally if solicitors find this helpful.