Bridget is clerked primarily by Lee Johnson, Clare Sabido, Jennifer Pooler and Emma Bell.

Bridget sits as an Assistant Coroner in Sussex, a Viscount Substitute (coroner) in Jersey and is a co-author of the Chief Coroner’s Bench Book.

Featured by the Sunday Times/Debretts as one of a handful of lawyers in the “500 most influential people in Britain” list, 2016.
Experience & Expertise
Bridget’s practice covers all aspects of mental illness, injury and death throughout the civil courts. She is well known as a leading practitioner in the Court of Protection and Coroners Courts and also specialises in psychiatric negligence, as well as bringing and defending civil claims related to mental health legislation or under human rights law.
In addition to her Court of Protection practice, which covers the entire range of serious cases that come before the CoP, Bridget is regularly instructed in high profile inquests and inquiries of significant complexity and sensitivity. Her experience of managing countless heavyweight cases engaging rights under Articles 2, 3, 5, 8 and 9 ECHR means she is particularly sought after when public bodies are facing difficult and searching inquiries.
Bridget also has considerable experience of acting as Counsel to the Judge / Coroner in inquests and inquiries heard under intense media scrutiny. Recently these include the inquests following the deaths in the Keyham Shootings in Plymouth (2023), 11 men killed as a result of the Shoreham Airshow Aircrash (2022), a death on a smart motorway (2022), the inquest into the death of a man following police restraint (2022), a death from a police shooting and an inquest following a sexually murder by a psychiatric patient (both heard in 2021). Bridget was counsel to the judge in the three fresh inquests into the deaths at Deepcut Barracks of Private Cheryl James (2016), Private Sean Benton (2018) and Private Geoff Gray (2019) and in 2023 was counsel to the inquest into the death of a officer cadet at Sandhurst Military Academy. In 2015 she was Counsel to the Coroner in the seven British inquests following the murders of 40 men by Al-Quaeda linked terrorists at the In Amenas gas plant in Algeria – a role which earned her The Lawyer’s ‘Barrister of the Year’ award.
Bridget also has extensive public law experience, advising and appearing in judicial review cases related to Coronial Law, Human Rights Law and the Mental Health Act. She sits as an Assistant Coroner and was a Mental Health Tribunal Judge for over ten years, giving Bridget a particular insight into how to approach the most challenging of cases. Her extensive legal knowledge is put to good use as editor of the Inquest Law Reports and the popular UK Inquest Law Blog.
Whilst she is always keen to work towards a compromise decision that can avoid both the expense and the emotional burden of litigation for her client, she nevertheless relishes courtroom advocacy, using her many skills in cross-examining witnesses and persuading judges when cases go to trial.
Cases and work of note
Bridget’s Court of Protection practice covers all aspects of health and welfare work. She is often instructed in the most serious and complex of cases involving the withdrawal of life sustaining treatment from those who lack capacity. Recent notable cases include:
- Re N [2023] an application by an NHS Trust seeking authority to perform neurosurgery on an unaccompanied child asylum seeker;
- Re IA [2022] welfare case involving return of an incapable man to a British Overseas Territory;
- Re TL [2021] successfully arguing on behalf of a CCG that a vulnerable young disabled man should receive the Covid-19 vaccine against his mother’s wishes;
- WU v BU and others [2021] EWCOP 54, concerning the balance of personal autonomy and best interests of an incapable woman who was subject to significant coercive control;
- Re TW [2021] EWCOP 13. considering whether it was in the best interests of a man who suffered catastrophic brain injury, arising from a stroke to continue to receive life sustaining treatment;
- An NHS Foundation Trust v AF [2020] EWCOP 55 The approach of the court when asked to make a best interests evaluation only a few months after another court has made a determination of best interests in respect of a similar decision;
- An NHS Foundation Trust v MC [2020] EWCOP 33 Representing an incapable young woman in the first application to come before the Court of Protection seeking consent for peripheral blood stem cell donation to a relative by someone lacking capacity;
- GSTT and SLAM v R [2020] EWCOP 4 Identifying the framework of the applicable law when an anticipatory declaration was sought relating to a capacitous woman who was likely to become incapacitous, during the course of labour;
- University College Hospitals NHS Trust v KG [2018] EWCOP (8 Oct 2018) Representing the patient who was to be the first human recipient of a pioneering, and as yet untested, treatment for sCJD;
- Re S(a child as parent:Adoption consent) [2018] 2 FLR 111. Successfully arguing for the Local Authority that the test for competence to consent to adoption should ‘read across’ to the MCA and be decision and child specific;
- CH v A Metropolitan Council [2017] EWCOP 12. Successfully bringing a HRA damages claim in the CoP for breach of Art 8 when a failure to provide sex education led to unreasonably prolonged celibacy.
Bridget’s inquest practice includes all types of sensitive and substantial cases that come before a Coroner, including deaths following clinical negligence, in accidents at work, deaths after restraint and fatal self-harm by detainees. In addition to acting as Counsel to the Judge/Coroner in numerous inquests, recent cases representing interested persons include:
- KH inquest [2023] representing the widow of a man killed by his son who was wrongly allowed to leave a psychiatric unit;
- RP inquest [2023] representing the family of a woman who died in a holiday fire.
- Baby Q inquest [2022] representing the NHS Trust following a neonatal death.
- EC inquest [2021] representing the family of a confused elderly man who fell from a first-floor window when left unobserved in a general hospital;
- KL inquest [2021] Counsel to the Inquest inquiring into a sexually motivated murder by a psychiatric patient;
- SA inquest [2019] representing the widow of a man who took his own life after psychiatric staff ignored ‘red flags’ marking his suicidality;
- GK Inquest [2018] acting for the bereaved family where the police had initially considered that the deceased’s suicide had been a intra-familial murder;
- CW Inquest [2017]: acting for an NHS Trust in a substantial Art 2 inquest where police were investigating alleged fraudulent entries in medical records following the death of a patient in a secure unit;
- FW Inquest [2017]: representing a Consultant Psychiatrist in a four week inquest where, despite the Coroner having referred the matter to the CPS to consider corporate manslaughter charges, the inquest jury eventually made no criticism of Bridget’s client, who was the patient’s responsible clinician;
- SL Inquest [2017]: representing a private care home where administration of incorrect medication had allegedly led to an elderly resident’s death;
Notable civil claims brought under HRA include:
- Achieving significant damages from a Local Authority in 2019 for breaching the Art 5 rights of a woman who was removed to and kept in a care home against her capable wishes.
- Achieving HRA damages of £10,000 from a Local Authority for a man with Down’s syndrome who was wrongly denied sex education and so was required to cease sexual relations with his wife for over a year – Re CH [2017] EWCOP 12;
- Negotiating a substantial payment for breaches of Art.2 and Art.3 ECHR for the family of a young woman who killed herself after being wrongly denied admission to a psychiatric unit.
- Representing Mrs D, a disabled client wrongly removed from the care of her husband in breach of her Art.5 and the couple’s Art.8 rights: after securing her client’s return home a compromise agreement saw the couple achieve £27,000 in damages under HRA.
Awards and Directory quotes
Recognised as a leading practitioner in The Legal 500 and Chambers & Partners for her work in the Court of Protection, in Inquests and Inquiries and Clinical Negligence. Bridget was named “Barrister of the Year” at The Lawyer awards in 2015 following her work as counsel to the In Amenas inquests. In 2016 she has been noted as one of the 500 most influential people in Britain today in the Debretts/Sunday Times list and was also one of the 400 invitees to the “Women of the Year” assembly. She was shortlisted for the Court of Protection and Community Care Silk of the Year Award at The Legal 500 UK Bar Awards 2023.
Recent directory editorial has included the following:
“Bridget is a powerhouse. She is so committed to her clients, the commitment and expertise shine through her advice and her.”
The Legal 500, 2025
“Bridget is a tour de force in the coroner world. She is the go-to guru for advice on difficult coronial issues and simply the best as counsel to the inquest.”
The Legal 500, 2025
“Bridget is a go-to counsel for difficult and complex welfare matters. Her understanding of complex and developing areas of law is second to none, and she can assimilate vast quantities of material in a short period.”
The Legal 500, 2025
“Bridget has superb ability, speed and interpretation of the law.”
Chambers and Partners, 2025
“Her advocacy is robust and informed.”
Chambers and Partners, 2025
“Her technical knowledge is exceptional and her advocacy, both between parties and on her feet, is impressive.”
Chambers and Partners, 2025
“Bridget knows the law and is able to manage sensitively emotional and delicate cases.”
Chambers & Partners 2024
“Bridget is a formidable and fearless advocate.”
The Legal 500 2024
‘Bridget is extremely experienced and authoritative.’
The Legal 500 2024
“Bridget is hugely experienced and has a no-nonsense approach that is very much valued by clients and instructing solicitors alike.”
Chambers & Partners 2024
‘An exceptional advocate. Her knowledge of coronial process and law is second to none. Hugely impressive in court.’
The Legal 500 2024
“Her knowledge of all things healthcare is truly impressive and reflects the dedication to her work and clients.”
Chambers & Partners 2024
“Bridget has exceptional knowledge and experience of coronial law; she is well organised and efficient in her approach.”
Chambers & Partners 2024
“She is able to break heart-wrenching material very well; her ability to be sensitive yet forceful was really excellent.”
Chambers & Partners 2024
“Bridget Dolan’s support has been excellent in every respect.”
Chambers & Partners 2023
“She has a very entertaining style and is very knowledgeable on the law.”
Chambers & Partners 2023
“Bridget has a tremendous presence in court.”
Chambers & Partners 2023
“She is absolutely formidable in terms of what she can achieve.”
Chambers & Partners 2023
“Bridget is on top of the issues straight away and handles matters with a huge level of sensitivity and care.”
Chambers & Partners 2023
“Bridget’s knowledge of the Court of Protection is second to none. Her written work is outstanding too, she knows the path through any case.”
Chambers & Partners 2023
“Bridget is simply brilliant.”
The Legal 500 2023
“Her knowledge of the relevant case law and legislation is encyclopaedic, and her advocacy is clear, elegant and highly persuasive.”
The Legal 500 2023
“Her knowledge is second to none and she is a brilliant counsel to have on your side.”
The Legal 500 2022
“Her court presence is calm, yet she commands attention. She has a good and quick eye for the salient points of a case.”
The Legal 500 2022
“Very knowledgeable on all aspects of medical law with a practical approach to inquests, and gets the participants working together sensibly”
The Legal 500 2022
“a good combination of approachable and pragmatic, but can be tough when needed”
The Legal 500 2022
“She has deep sector knowledge and is really easy to work with. She’s extremely good at assimilating immense quantities of information, knowing what the judge will be interested in and identifying how to present a case to a judge.” “She is excellent in court and commands the judges’ attention.”
Chambers & Partners 2021
“She is very sharp, has great analytical skills and is very popular with clients. She’s also a persuasive advocate.”
Chambers & Partners 2021
“The experience of dealing with her is immensely reassuring due to her consummate knowledge of the law, her tactical excellence and her exceptional humanity in dealing with people who are coming to terms with a difficult process, the outcome of which is critical to them.” “Bridget Dolan is an exceptional lawyer who is highly respected in her field. Whilst she is at the top of her game she also has the ability to clearly explain complex issues in a way that everyone can understand.”
Chambers & Partners 2021
‘Is able to assimilate vast quantities of information very quickly and identify the nub of the problem quickly. She notes and discards irrelevancies, concentrating on the things that will matter to the judge.’
The Legal 500 2021
‘One of the best in her field. She offers sensible, clear, professional advice, and is available at very short notice.’
The Legal 500 2021
‘A dedicated advocate with great knowledge.’
The Legal 500 2021
“An absolutely fantastic quality inquests expert. She asks tough questions when you need them and soft ones when you don’t.” “She’s extremely good at coming up with the weird and wonderful to get you out of trouble. She isn’t your usual barrister: she has a mind that works about twice as fast and then the solution that comes out is novel, original, well thought out and legally exceptional.” “She’s sensible, pragmatic and calm and clients love her.”
Chambers & Partners 2020
“Bridget is able to get to the crux of a matter swiftly and succinctly. Her expertise in complex matters in the Court of Protection, particularly with regards to sexual relations, is outstanding. She is accessible, responsive and provides clear and helpful advice.” “She is really down to earth, gets things really quickly and thinks outside the box.” “She’s fantastic on her feet – an excellent advocate.” “She’s extremely client-friendly and is very knowledgeable in this area.” “She is incredibly grounded, down to earth, empathetic and always goes the extra mile.”
Chambers & Partners 2020
‘Her mind is unbelievably quick and her solutions to novel problems indicate an ability to think laterally.’ ‘An experienced advocate and excellent in the strategy of big cases.’ ‘She makes difficult cases look easy.’
The Legal 500 2019
“She handles cases with such elegance and is a really good barrister.” “She is an excellent advocate who is fantastic on her feet and highly regarded by the judiciary. She is a leader in matters involving the Mental Capacity Act and the Mental Health Act.” “Bridget has a strong background in mental health and is just a powerhouse in terms of her general presence in healthcare law.” “She’s an excellent advocate, is extremely knowledgeable and has an approachable personal style which leaves people feeling at ease.”
Chambers & Partners 2019
‘She is sharp, concise and gets to the point quickly.’ ‘A fearsome advocate who is available at any hour of the day or night.’ ‘Very knowledgeable on the practical side of inquests and knows how coroners think.’
The Legal 500 2018
“Incredibly impressive. It’s a privilege to instruct her.” “She is a real authority in mental health.” “She’s so knowledgeable and very helpful with clients. She’ll always make the time for you.” “She is technically excellent, really good with clients and fantastic in court.”
Chambers & Partners 2018
‘She knows how the system works and what the coroners need to hear.’‘Her ability to unravel difficult issues is second to none and she deals with things quickly, concisely and sensibly.’ ‘She is empathetic and totally determined to get the best for clients.’
The Legal 500 2017
“Absolutely excellent and incredibly clever… She’s very clear and precise, and has a good approach with witnesses. One of the best cross-examiners at the Bar.”
Chambers & Partners 2017
“Very bright and knowledgeable, with a good feel for what is likely to happen.” “She doesn’t miss anything and gives the impression of being a couple of steps ahead of everyone else.”
The Legal 500 2016
“Her advocacy skills are excellent and she clearly enjoys being in the courtroom. She is measured and knows when to take points and when not to. Skilled, tenacious yet graceful.” “Even under huge amounts of pressure she has a calm, controlled and collected approach.”
Chambers and Partners 2016
“Passionate about her work, she’s a thorough and utterly reliable counsel, who is able to deliver digestible advice in tricky cases.” “She is utterly dependable and has a keen eye for important details missed by others.”
Chambers and Partners 2015
“A delight to work with and has comprehensive knowledge of the law.” “She is smart, perceptive and absolutely excellent with clients”
The Legal 500 2015
“Her attention to detail produces impressive results. She knows the law inside out and she knows how to work it in her favour and pull all the stops out.”
Chambers and Partners 2015
“A user-friendly team player.”
The Legal 500 2014
“A go-to for heavyweight medical cases… She provides well thought-out advice, is very pragmatic and is good at cross-examining experts and asking the right questions.” “She is wonderful on cases overlapping with mental health; she’s an absolute authority there. She’s good with more troubled clients, has a lovely manner and is patient.”
Chambers and Partners 2014
“Highly rated… very sensible, approachable and open. She is ‘the kind of advocate that judges like.'”
Chambers and Partners 2013

I consider myself really very lucky to have enjoyed both my careers so much. As a psychologist for 13 years before I came to the bar my focus was on understanding why people acted as they did and helping them to manage their problems. I regard myself as having developed rather than changed my career when I came to the Bar as so much of my work as a barrister draws on the skills I learned in my clinical practice. I still see my main role as helping people or organisations with problems in situations they either can’t or haven’t been able to sort out by themselves.
I never wanted to be a black letter lawyer; arguing over contracts or bricks was never going to be for me. I am fundamentally a people person and it is helping people with life problems that gives me satisfaction. My core practice in the Court of Protection, Inquests and Mental Health law provides me with a satisfying balance of interesting, and still developing law alongside the very important human aspect in some of the most heart wrenching and difficult of cases. The immense variety between cases, the personalities and the emotions involved keeps me fresh.
“I am fundamentally a people person and it is helping people with life problems that gives me satisfaction.”
Teamwork is my thing; I believe barristers should work cases with the solicitors, and not in addition to them. I have seen that, whether the case is big or small, it will always benefit from pooling our joint views, thoughts and perspectives. We all have our particular skills and outlook and so I look to foster a truly collaborative team approach and try to be available for quick chats and emails as the case develops. So those “phone a friend” calls to me are always welcome at any stage of a case.
Bridget has a first class honours degree and a doctorate in Psychology, graduating in 1984. She was awarded a PhD in 1989 for her study of the socio-cultural factors underlying bulimia nervosa. From 1984 to 1997 she worked as a psychologist at St George’s Medical School, London. She completed her part time Law Conversion Course at Brighton University and her bar finals at ICSL whilst still working as a Lecturer in Forensic Psychology at St George’s. She joined Serjeants’ Inn as a pupil in 1997, taking silk in 2016 after 18 years in practice.
Seminars / lectures
Coming from an academic background Bridget has a passion for communicating the law to others through education and so thoroughly enjoys lecturing and contributing to seminars. She has been commissioned to deliver training at all levels for High Court Judges, Senior Coroners and Mental Health Tribunal Judges through to undergraduate students. She is always happy to work with solicitors firms and public bodies to devise and present custom-made training.
Recent highlights include:
- High Court Judges: commissioned by the Judicial Studies Board to deliver specialist training to Family Division Judges on the MCA Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards.
- Mental Health Tribunal Judges: commissioned to devise and present several one day training courses on ‘Decision making and reason writing’ for tribunal members.
- Senior and Assistant Coroners: delivering five seminars as part of the Chief Coroner’s compulsory training course.
- IPCC: devised and presented a one day training course on Inquests.
- Navy Legal Service: Seminar on Article 2 inquests.
- Section 12 MHA course for Psychiatrists: Trainer on a bi-annual course re: Human Rights Act & Mental Health Law and the Mental Capacity Act.
- Royal College of Psychiatrists: delivering MCA DOLS Assessor training.
- NHS Trusts: Inquest, DOLS and MHA training for clinical staff at a number of NHS Trusts.
Bridget accepts pro bono mental health, Court of Protection and Inquest cases, including providing representation for families at inquests, via the Bar Pro-Bono Unit and mental health charities. She is also Direct Access accredited and accepts direct access work in the Court of Protection and Coroners Courts.
Bridget has written 4 books and over fifty academic articles: A selection of her publications include:
Co-authoring chapter twelve: Pregnancy and Childbirth in the fourth edition of the book Medical Treatment: Decisions and the Law, edited by Christopher Johnston KC and Sophia Roper KC and written by 27 members of Serjeants’ Inn.
Medical Treatment Decisions and the Law (2016) Johnston C (Ed). Co-author of two chapters and editor of three others. Bloomsbury, London
Forensic Mental Health Concepts Systems and Practice (2009) Chapter: Law and the Mentally Disordered Offender: an Overview of Structures and Statutes. Bartlett and McGauley, Oxford University Press (co-authored with Martin Wrench)
Disclosing confidential clinical information (2004) Psychiatric Bulletin, 28, 53-56, Gaskell, London
An introduction to the law relevant to Mentally Disordered Offenders (2004) Criminal Behaviour and Mental Health, S12-18, Wiley, London.
Review of Treatments for Severe Personality Disorder (2003) Home Office, London (co-author of report commissioned by the Home Office/Dept Health)
The Mental Health Act 1983 explained (2001) Dolan B & Powell D, Stationery Office, London (Second Edition)
Bridget adopts and adheres to the provisions of her privacy notice which can be accessed here.
For further details of Bridget’s practice please click on the links to the left or contact a member of the clerking or client service team.
Bar Council Membership No: 37139
Registered Name: Bridget Maura Dolan
VAT Registration No: 739831693